

The benefit of laugh
People think laughing is simply interesting thing, but in fact it is not so simple thing. Laughing has many benefits. First of all it is a relaxation effect. When you feel stresses, laughing reduce it. Next, I say effect about disease. Laughing is good for your health.
Metabolism become active by laughing. From this action, we can save to become sick and help it with recovering sick. Moreover, There is a effect prevent us from becoming aging. There are many effect anything else. For example, blood pressure falls, reducing risk of heart disease and work get along because human relation become good, we can sleep well. Laughing genuinely has most effect, but only forced laughing has effect. Let’s smile as far as you can.
Here, I want to introduce three interesting movie.
This movie is boring’s incident. I can’t believe this incident.
These movies is incidents which happen during baseball match. They are nonfiction.
Please watch these movies.

3 件のコメント:

ichibo さんのコメント...

I'm not interested in baseball so much, but I'm interested in funny plays like that, so it was very funny and also I think you should arrange your passages a little by using something like Space or Enter because I think it makes your blog more easy to watch.

RUKINYO さんのコメント...

I'm pleased with your movie clip especially "lucky homer".I've never seen such a scene,it isn't convincing.And it would be better if you come up with any ideas to read easier.

hoopstar さんのコメント...

Your blog is nice